Grant Writing and Funding

Grant Writing and Funding
Developing a successful research program requires a consistent funding source.
The CTSI has resources to help faculty develop funding pipelines.
Periodically, the CTSI releases Requests for Applications (RFAs) for pilot research projects, as well as offering training and career development grants.

Grant Writing Toolkit
The CTSI offers grant application training resources to help support researchers efforts in identifying and securing funding sources.

Pilot Programs
The Pilot Translational and Clinical Studies (PTC) program stimulates and supports transformative, innovative, interdisciplinary translational research.

Spark Awards
The CTSI Spark Awards provide funding support for investigators who require assistance to enable preliminary work and generate data for new or ongoing projects.

CTSA Training Grants
The CTSI offers CTSA training grants which helps fund graduate students in clinical and translational research.

Clinical and Translational Science Pilot Program (CTSP)
The CTSP award supports highly meritorious research that explores a translational science-directed hypothesis for the development of preliminary data. This funding mechanism is designed to enable investigators to be competitive in applying for extramural funding.

Additional Awards and Funding
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) will provide supplemental funding to PIs on R01 and other specific research grants to enhance the diversity of the research workforce.