Clinical Research Professionals

Clinical Research Professionals
Planning, coordinating and executing clinical trials and other research studies.
Who Are Clinical Research Professionals?
Clinical Research Professionals (CRPs) are non-faculty staff working on studies that help with the planning, coordination and execution of clinical trials and other research studies aimed at evaluating the safety and efficacy of medical treatments, drugs, devices or interventions. CRPs may have backgrounds in nursing, pharmacy, medical technology, business administration, health record management, statistics, science, education or other areas. Specific duties and requirements for CRPs vary depending on the nature of the research being conducted. A common theme is their dedication and commitment to promoting excellence in clinical research.
Programs, Trainings and Certifications

Clinical Research Professionals Training Series
Monthly webinars to increase your clinical research knowledge.

Certification Exams (ACRP, SoCRA)
Membership and obtaining professional certification demonstrate knowledge and competency in performing the varied duties of a Clinical Research Professional and can have positive effects on your role progression.

CITI Training
Ohio State requires all faculty, staff and students who are eligible to conduct research to be trained in the Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) through the online Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI) RCR course.

CRP Degree Programs
The Ohio State University offers multiple undergraduate, certificate and masters programs in clinical research.

Scarlet Canvas
Competency-based learning on your time.

External Trainings
Available trainings for CRPs outside of Ohio State.
CTSI CRP Newsletter
The CTSI produces a bi-monthly CRP Newsletter to maintain connections and share information on CRP workforce development announcements and opportunities. To ensure receipt, please contact:
Karen Carter
Associate Director Education, Education and Training

Workforce Development Workgroup Leaders
Amy Margolis, PhD

Carolynn Jones, DNP, MSPH, RN, FAAN